Rose Ferguson

Jan 08 at 08:40 AM

Hi Lillia, it is for 4; having said that, it is smallish so if you get 2-3 out of it, that is fine too. Plus it is all good so I am not worried if you eat more x

Jan 08 at 08:38 AM

Hi Helen, Well done on the chocolate front - that should ease, and I'm so glad you slept well; it is a shift when we start eating earlier and going to bed not so full, but for our body and metabolic health, it is much better for us! x


Jan 08 at 08:36 AM

Good morning, Jodie - or Good afternoon for you. I mean, it is amazing how powerful it can be, isn't it!! 😉 

Would you be able to reduce it to half what you are having? Do that daily, and let's see how it goes over the next two days. How does that sound?  x

Jan 07 at 10:22 AM

me too! x

Yes, and PLEASE DO!!! We would LOVE to hear all your thoughts on this before we change anything x

Jan 07 at 08:25 AM

ooooh - I have lots of sprouts recipes - I will try to find it x

Jan 07 at 08:21 AM

Alexandra Friend I am glad to hear that - and yes you will not be lonely! The members are always here too - so don't you worry x



Jan 06 at 07:45 PM

As mentioned on yesterday's LIVE - here is the recipe for an easy Kimchi x


  • 1 Napa cabbage, cut into 2-inch strips

  • 1/4 himalayan salt

  • 2 tablespoons garlic, minced

  • 2 tablespoons ginger, minced

  • 1 teaspoon coconut sugar

  • 3 tablespoons water

  • 4 tablespoons red pepper flakes

  • 1 large daikon radish, peeled and cut into 1-inch matchsticks

  • 2 bunches green onions, cut into 1-inch pieces

Step 1 Place cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. Mix thoroughly using gloves, if preferred. Place a heavy pot or pan on top with weights and allow cabbage to sit for 1-2 hours until wilted and water has been released.

Step 2 Discard water after 1-2 hours. Rinse the cabbage 2-3 times in the sink until salt is removed and allow to drain in a colander for another 15-20 minutes.

Step 3 Combine cabbage with remaining ingredients (through water) and mix. Using gloves, add the Korean red pepper flakes and begin mixing and rubbing flakes into the mixture. Add the daikon radish and green onions to mixture, stirring to combine. 

Step 4 Once combined, place mixture in a jar pressing down and packing tightly so that the mixture is submerged in its own liquid. Place top on jar and allow to sit at room temperature for 2-5 days. Place jar on a plate since the mixture may bubble over while fermenting.

Step 5 Each day of fermentation, remove the lid to release gases and press down on the mixture to keep it submerged. You can taste a sample each day to decide if the level of fermentation is to your liking.

Step 6 After 2-5 days of fermentation, store kimchi in the fridge.

happy fermenting xx


Jan 06 at 07:27 PM

hi Jodie, Happy Birthday to you - and I am so glad you have warm summer days. Can I check was the question has to do with what you could take with this plan, supplement-wise? x

Jan 06 at 07:24 PM

YOU ARE NOT MESSING UP! Life does happen, and I really don't want you to feel like that. 

So, I would try to stick to vegetables and a little bit of protein if that is available. There are often lots of sides on the menu or on the table. For breakfast, eggs? Are you okay with eggs? You can also buy miso sachets, OR you could take your jar of miso with you and add some boiling water. 

If you are there with lots of friends, and it is a fun thing, then you must enjoy that and don't worry, as you say, you can tag for a few days at the end. there are quite a few people starting later too - so you will not be alone x