Anoushka Huntington-Bowles

City of London, United Kingdom

Sep 25 at 11:15 AM

Well done so far! That is good to know 😻


Sep 25 at 09:15 AM


Started 72 hour juice fast last night - so I had last food at 6pm, all juices prepped for for today, new juicer is a beast - love it!

Weirdly woke up REALLY hungry today - eek!  Having juice now though so hopefully that will settle down....

Rose, I remember one plan you did there was a cacao dream 'juice' at the end of the day, I think it was blended date, cacao, salt and water - do you think I could do that?  oh and also a sweet potato with apple, ginger and cinnamon - I remember it being really delicious - could I have that tomorrow or would you stick with more green juices?

Ha!  always thinking about nice food 😂



What i would say is it is pretty big! The photo doesn't show the pulp catcher at the back...

This is the real story.... 


I bought a Sage Nutri Juicer cold plus...

Tested it out when it arrived on Saturday and it is impressive, not much prep Or chopping required and it seemed to get out way more juice than my old one.

I am going to batch juice at least for day one / poss day two of juice fast tomorrow eve so I will let you know how it copes with that but I think it will work like a dream 😁



Sep 21 at 01:26 PM

The new juicer has arrived!!! 👏🏻💗👏🏻



Sep 20 at 03:08 PM

Did anyone run today...? 

I went out early but not sure I would have done it if I was only having juice today.. 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️


Sep 20 at 11:29 AM

I did juice day yesterday so feel great today 💗

I did blow up my juicer though - doh! i have had it a long time and it has never really liked beetroots and carrots 😬. 

Anyhoo went mad and treated myself to a sage one - it is being delivered this arvo - ridiculously excited!

Good luck everyone today and hang in there - your next meal will be the best thing you have ever eaten 💗🥦👊🏻


Sep 18 at 09:36 AM

Was missing eggs for breakfast but then remembered scrambled tofu!! This is mixed with onion, mushroom, courgette, parsley, chilli and oregano and then some kimchi and avo on the side - yum!! 


Sep 17 at 09:35 AM


Gorgeous day today in East London - have just done my run, went straight after school run in the end - feeling pretty happy and hot 🤗🥳🥵


Sep 16 at 07:10 PM

My plan is to start the juice fast on Tues eve next week.... so juice all day Wed, all day Thurs and up til 6pm on Friday... will have to go easy over the weekend but hopefully that is more doable than juicing with fam around.... 
