Hi Rose! Just watching the happy hols plan video all sounds great.... will all the workouts and sound bath be available later? I have got a girls dinner and a work lunch in the next four days so I won't be able to do this now :( I have blocked out 15th -19th to do it... hope that's ok xxx
Just caught up on the alcohol and hangovers video! Before last year I never got hangovers and now they are absolutely shocking!!! I have started taking a Willpowders supplement called rise and shine before and after drinking and it does help a bit but honestly it has put me right off drinking - eeek!
I have an exam coming up on 14th Dec so I am trying to go v gently until after that but then lots of parties planned... would be v happy to hear tips on how to find that moderate phase and stick to it on a night out and not hit the f*ck it button!
This might be a question for Rose or the Doc but what are your thoughts on heavy metal detox or parasite detoxes.... i keep seeing them all over the place - are they worth doing, just a gimmick or...?
Hello hello - quick question Rose, do you think it is ok to do a juice day within the menopause plan? I would just eat a light meal in the evening - I feel like i'm on a roll doing it once a week so would like to continue... 🤗
Unfortunately I went out on Friday night and ended up horribly hungover on Saturday - dear me! I didn't really drink very much but it had a huge affect and I definitely have not been up for trying any alcohol since!
Sorry I missed the live on Sunday - I had booked a narrow boat trip down to Hackney Wick ages ago so spent Sunday cruising up and down the canal which was actually lovely and being out in the fresh(ish) air was great!
Thank you for all the hard work you have put into the Club Rose, I am going to try and make more time for the lives and I am REALLY looking forward to the hormone plan and the menopause chat - right in the thick of it here which is probs why I felt so awful after a couple of glasses of wine - anyway....!!😬
Started 72 hour juice fast last night - so I had last food at 6pm, all juices prepped for for today, new juicer is a beast - love it!
Weirdly woke up REALLY hungry today - eek! Having juice now though so hopefully that will settle down....
Rose, I remember one plan you did there was a cacao dream 'juice' at the end of the day, I think it was blended date, cacao, salt and water - do you think I could do that? oh and also a sweet potato with apple, ginger and cinnamon - I remember it being really delicious - could I have that tomorrow or would you stick with more green juices?