Adine grate


Mar 06 at 08:08 AM

The call with the Doctor on Ozempic etc was great. I had no idea it is so common and that people are using it for micro-dosing too. Very informative and frank. 


Mar 06 at 08:03 AM

Is it enough to take cacao one ? I love that one 


Feb 27 at 05:16 PM

I have done it twice - when they first started in Stockholm three years and last summer. I can highly recommend it. However, please note it more a blood test and detecting spots on your body They do a lot of other tests to get the right samples/observations to be able to detect issues earlier and to create  their own protocols. I have booked it for next summer too. For me it is an inexpensive yearly check up. 


Feb 24 at 04:15 PM

Can we at one point talk about portion sizes and how this might change as we age . Maybe you have addressed that before ? Posting again Rose Ferguson

Feb 20 at 09:00 PM

I am with you. I love Ancient Brave Cacao and Collagen . Started to drink eat every evening instead of the dark chocolate piece 



Feb 20 at 08:59 PM


One quick question how can one get in plyometric exercises easily if one does mostly mat and reformer Pilates training ?


Jan 14 at 11:48 AM

Rose Ferguson - thanks for your comments yesterday about plant based/milk and pasta !

Jan 12 at 04:11 PM

Rose Ferguson

Jan 12 at 04:10 PM

Very cold today - 13 Celsius 

Jan 12 at 04:09 PM
