Replied on Collagen. Rose, is collagen something...
Replied on Collagen. Rose, is collagen something...
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Replied on Collagen. Rose, is collagen something...
Mar 07 at 10:05 AM
Magnesium def helps my nights (I take this in the evening, should I take extra in the morning?). Collagen - hair, skin, nails? Liposomal Glut for liver support? Since having glandular fever I still take a high dose of vitamin c. I do breathe/yoga/stretch & journal early mornings but then it’s manic with school. What can I take to calm & support or is this the liposomal (I’ve just ordered this & collagen).
I know we are all unique but as a busy, nearly 50, do I sound in the right track supplement wise? Thank you for your support xx