Syreeta waterhouse

Baildon, United Kingdom

Sep 21 at 10:05 PM

Thank you! So excited to have tomatoes again. It’s only been a week but I cook with them so much. Can I add paprika to food now as well?



Sep 21 at 11:22 AM

Just getting organised for the week. Are we allowed eggs in week 2? I thought they weren’t initially but they are on the food list so just wanted to check. 


Sep 20 at 10:51 PM

I just walked but a decent walk. I have a cold as well so running was not an option for me today 😜


Sep 20 at 03:00 PM

Thanks Rose. I’ll see how I get on. I’d love to do the 72 hours if I can.  I love the beetroot juice 

Sep 20 at 02:58 PM

Rose Ferguson

Sep 20 at 11:00 AM

So far so good. I have a bit of a headache but not sure if that’s because Im coming down with a cold and have lost my voice. I was going to ask, I’m away next weekend so bringing next weeks juice fast to earlier in the week and will finish 6pm on the Friday. On the Saturday should I try and keep plant based as the first few days of phase 3 are plant based so just bring it all forward. 

Sep 15 at 06:34 PM

Fantastic. Thank you. I was being a little over eager 🤣 all sorted


Sep 15 at 11:27 AM

Morning I had to leave the live early and now can’t find the recording to catch up. Will this be posted?