Syreeta waterhouse

Baildon, United Kingdom


Jan 21 at 06:13 PM

Happy birthday Rose. Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating x


Jan 08 at 10:41 AM

Hi Rose can you recommend some good chicken broth brands please or are they all ok? I  don’t always have time to make so was wondering about trying the Freya one. Thanks PS miso salmon recipe is delicious. Added a bit more veg (teenage boy in the house) but the salmon was so good. 



Jan 04 at 01:21 PM

Looking forward to getting started on the Jan plan. Are we allowed protein powder? My easy on the go breakfast is the protein smoothie from a previous plan. Thanks 



Sep 26 at 08:07 AM

Day 3 of juice day for me today. Feeling really good and full of energy apart from a very dull headache which i think is more from not having matcha or coffee. I am really looking for forward to a matcha latte tomorrow. Rose - just checking the timetable and wanted to check the next few days. Tomorrow I should just eat plant based and then Saturday I can introduce plantbased protein but no starchy veg. On Sunday, which will be third day after juice fast is plant based protein but can I introduce starchy veg then as you have stated no starchy veg on the previous day but not on this day ? Can I only introduce eggs on day 4 of completing juice fast? Thanks



Sep 24 at 05:49 PM

After getting excited that I could have tomatoes and quinoa again this week i have had to start my juice fast today as I go away Friday so won’t be able to juice. I’ve never done one longer than 24 hours and knowing that I can’t eat anything this evening is making me feel hungrier. Just need to get through tomorrow then I’m on the home straight 🤞



Sep 23 at 07:57 AM

Good morning, could I get some advice on magnesium supplements please. On your list of supplements you have suggested magnesium citrate but I have been taking magnesium glycinate as I had read before that it was better for sleep and citrate gives you more energy. Do they both provide sleep benefits and would I be better switching to citrate going forward? Thanks 



Sep 21 at 11:22 AM

Just getting organised for the week. Are we allowed eggs in week 2? I thought they weren’t initially but they are on the food list so just wanted to check. 



Sep 15 at 11:27 AM

Morning I had to leave the live early and now can’t find the recording to catch up. Will this be posted?