Hi Rose can you recommend some good chicken broth brands please or are they all ok? I don’t always have time to make so was wondering about trying the Freya one. Thanks PS miso salmon recipe is delicious. Added a bit more veg (teenage boy in the house) but the salmon was so good.
Looking forward to getting started on the Jan plan. Are we allowed protein powder? My easy on the go breakfast is the protein smoothie from a previous plan. Thanks
Day 3 of juice day for me today. Feeling really good and full of energy apart from a very dull headache which i think is more from not having matcha or coffee. I am really looking for forward to a matcha latte tomorrow. Rose - just checking the timetable and wanted to check the next few days. Tomorrow I should just eat plant based and then Saturday I can introduce plantbased protein but no starchy veg. On Sunday, which will be third day after juice fast is plant based protein but can I introduce starchy veg then as you have stated no starchy veg on the previous day but not on this day ? Can I only introduce eggs on day 4 of completing juice fast? Thanks
After getting excited that I could have tomatoes and quinoa again this week i have had to start my juice fast today as I go away Friday so won’t be able to juice. I’ve never done one longer than 24 hours and knowing that I can’t eat anything this evening is making me feel hungrier. Just need to get through tomorrow then I’m on the home straight 🤞
Good morning, could I get some advice on magnesium supplements please. On your list of supplements you have suggested magnesium citrate but I have been taking magnesium glycinate as I had read before that it was better for sleep and citrate gives you more energy. Do they both provide sleep benefits and would I be better switching to citrate going forward? Thanks
Just getting organised for the week. Are we allowed eggs in week 2? I thought they weren’t initially but they are on the food list so just wanted to check.