Jodie Lee

Sydney, Australia

Feb 05 at 10:47 AM

Rose Ferguson thank you.


Jan 21 at 10:37 AM

Happy Birthday Rose! 🎁 🎉 🌸  xx 


Jan 20 at 07:52 AM

Hi Rose Ferguson , we have our live today - How to maintain your body and metabolic health in the longterm. 

I have a naturally thin body type with supposedly a fast metabolism? I've been told in the past to eat 5 smaller meals throughout the day instead of 3, and then on other occasions told to double the amount per serving to gain weight. 

Now that I eat healthy, have very little UPF and only the occasional bubbles I do find it harder to gain weight. 

Q1 - What is a fast metabolism?

Q2 - How best to gain healthy weight as we age - is it about weight training?

Thank you 😀


Jan 20 at 06:57 AM

Hi Rose Ferguson, thank you for checking in. Apologies for the delay. I've been away attending my grandfathers service & celebrating a big life lived at 98 years. Although he was slowing down it did come as a surprise.  Born in the UK, joined the Royal Navy, immigrated to Australia in his 30s after meeting my grandmother on a blind date in Sydney at a dance hall. My grandmother a widower with 10 kids and they had another 2. His mother also lived to 100.  Both died peacefully. 

Quick update - I reduced miso to half a cup. OK for only one day. I decided to stop as not ideal when travelling 😂 I tried to keep to the eating window where I could during the trip. Meal plan off track. Holly's yoga session on repeat. It may actually be a sign to do a parasite cleanse. I live rural, have pets etc.  I did listen to your podcasts during 8 hr road trip - Gut talk - It may also be dysbiosis?  I returned home yesterday & enjoying getting back to the plan. Looking forward to joining your live today. 


Jan 08 at 11:17 AM

Sounds like a plan. Thank you Rose. PS Good evening & time for bed 😀



Jan 08 at 06:56 AM

Hi Rose, Day 2 of the Jan Plan. Great strength workout this morning with Holly. Good decision to delay starting by a day. I did want to ask about the Miso Soup. I'm a big fan but it may be too rich for me to have consecutive days. Day 2 just before lunch everything went through me and again twice this afternoon. Is this more about my gut / microbiome adjusting or the miso too much. Look forward to your guidance on this one. Jodie


Jan 06 at 11:52 AM

Belated Happy Birthday Gaynor 🌸



Jan 05 at 09:51 PM

Hi Rose, great intro session to the Jan plan. Love the idea - Lean into the energy of January. We are enjoying warm summer days but how wonderful to have snow. My birthday was last week and do love that I'm on holidays each year.☀️  PS I didn't quite hear the last question asked by a member, what is taken each day? Thanks Jodie


Jan 05 at 08:54 PM

I too prefer morning exercise. Perfect I'll delay my start by a day. Thank you Rose. 



Jan 05 at 11:13 AM

Hi Rose, Happy New Year! Looking forward to the Jan Plan. I have a questions on the timing of exercise sessions with Holly. As I'm located in the Southern Hemisphere, ahead of the UK,  the exercise classes don't become available for us until later in the evening around 6pm / dinner time / fasting window. I'm considering delaying my start by one day to sync with the UK. What are your thoughts on preferred timing of exercise with the Jan plan / fasting windows - AM / PM or personal preference? Thanks Jodie☀️