

Feb 27 at 08:46 PM


Feb 12 at 08:55 AM

So glad you’re looking at Cholesterol this month Rose, as I’ve just been told that mine is high. I couldn’t find the Dr on call video on it though - has it been uploaded yet? Wondering what I can do to lower mine (I already do most of the things I’ve read about online though I clawed to up my exercise)



Sep 05 at 06:47 PM

Hi Rose, could I get your thoughts on low or zero alcohol beers? My body doesn’t like alcohol much these days but I like a drink so I’m trying to sub in some low alcohol products. I don’t know what’s in them or whether they’re ultra processed for example. Would like to check that I’m not doing more harm than good. Thanks x



Aug 18 at 03:21 PM

Hi Rose, is this a good place to through in a question for the q&a with Dr Mark, since I won't be able to join live? I was wondering if he might have any advice to offer around perimenopausal fatigue? HRT has helped enormously but I still don't enjoy the energy levels I used to take for granted and wonder if there is more I could be doing to improve the situation? I eat well (obviously, I'm on here!) and exercise, though not as often as I used to. I'm sure others have experienced the same dip in energy levels.