

Feb 27 at 08:46 PM

Feb 15 at 02:33 PM

Oh, so glad we persevered, it’s working and it was super interesting. My hdl was 2.5 mmol/L and ldl was 3.2 mmol/L, with everything else she tested in range. So you do the test  Dr Mark mentioned Rose? I’m not hugely worried - my Dad and Grandparents have had high cholesterol but no-one’s ever had a stroke or heart attack so… but of course I’m curious. Thanks for making the film work, also looking forward to the next one.

Feb 13 at 06:16 PM

Thanks so much for trying again but it still won’t play for me. I sent a photo of the screen I’m getting (for some reason I couldn’t send this message with the image). I’m trying on a phone - will try on a laptop when I’m next in one place.

Feb 13 at 06:14 PM

Rose Ferguson

Feb 12 at 08:08 PM

Hiya, still can't play this - neither through the link or Content. Not sure whether its just me?

Feb 12 at 11:11 AM

Same here - I can’t access this. The link takes me to a message saying ‘There are no available purchase options at the moment. Come back soon!’ I’ve tried via the link and by searching ‘dr on call’.


Feb 12 at 09:04 AM

Sorry, just watched your short vid on IG. The results of my blood test, as uploaded to the NHS don’t include the things you listed - particle size, density etc. should I expect my GP to have these as a result of this test or would you advise I talk a more focused specialist test? I just had a general blood test.


Feb 12 at 08:55 AM

So glad you’re looking at Cholesterol this month Rose, as I’ve just been told that mine is high. I couldn’t find the Dr on call video on it though - has it been uploaded yet? Wondering what I can do to lower mine (I already do most of the things I’ve read about online though I clawed to up my exercise)


Sep 07 at 08:45 PM

I still do! I have tried natural wines and they seem just as tough on my system. I think it’s the alcohol 😩



Sep 05 at 06:47 PM

Hi Rose, could I get your thoughts on low or zero alcohol beers? My body doesn’t like alcohol much these days but I like a drink so I’m trying to sub in some low alcohol products. I don’t know what’s in them or whether they’re ultra processed for example. Would like to check that I’m not doing more harm than good. Thanks x