Rose Ferguson

Jan 17 at 06:44 PM

Hey there - yes absolutely all the plans will stay on the club for you to look at and refer to in the future.  In Feb, we are doing 'The Feb 15' 15 minute tasks each day and then in March I think we are going to do the OG - The 5 Day Plan!. The next of the BIG 4 will be in April xxx


Jan 16 at 03:08 PM

Hi Ben, I hope you are well - the slides are underneath the recording on the R Content Page - The Big 4 - and then click on the recording from yesterday, and you will see the button for the slides PDF on the bottom left x


Jan 16 at 03:06 PM

Hiiii - Oh I am so sorry - but yessssss to the nutty bruce and MCT - MCT is a great fat for us and our cognition!. 

And thank you so much - I am still puffy, haha - but I am sure I will look fine soon. Have you noticed a difference, and how often do you need to have them? You are the expert in this area!!!

Jan 16 at 03:02 PM

Jodie Lee how are you getting on x


Jan 15 at 05:52 PM

OH GREAT!! I am so glad you are navigating it ok - brilliant, and thank you for taking the time to feedback. It is all taken on board, and we will evolve, adapt and change accordingly x

Jan 14 at 06:04 PM

You’re so welcome. X


Jan 14 at 06:03 PM

Hi Gaynor sorry you are having trouble. Here is a link which I hope will help you get to it. X

Jan 14 at 06:00 PM

I did not know that Helen. Genius! Thank you for sharing x


Jan 12 at 11:18 AM

Frosty walk this morning for Walk Club..........