Rose Ferguson

Oct 26 at 04:13 PM

Hi Jodie. We are working on this as there does or did seem to be an issue with the calendar. Can I ask were you using a mobile or a computer to access? X


Oct 24 at 02:53 PM

Hi Tracy, we are talking with them now - there is definitely something not quite right on the calendar front. I will let you all know what we find out.  And don't worry about the lives. They are there for you to join when you can. Are you happy to watch the recording? or would you then prefer a pre-recorded rather than watching a live recorded ? x


Oct 20 at 01:19 PM

Yay! It’s so good isn’t it! X



Oct 19 at 07:47 PM

Pre recorded sessions from me for the plans and challengers
67 %
Live sessions from me for the plans and challenges
33 %
15 votes

Oct 19 at 01:50 PM

Angela Wakelin great - we will talk about that and more - we are working out the date and will let you know asap x


Oct 19 at 01:49 PM

helen armfield - OK - that is really annoying, I am so sorry - and we will look into that - for those who did join, can you let me know if you had any issues? - Thank you Helen for flagging xx

Oct 17 at 09:14 AM

I am so glad you guys liked the talk - she has agreed to come back on - anything you lot would like to focus on?