Alexandra Friend

Feb 25 at 12:02 PM

Ahhh sorry, I should have been clearer! I mean a little smoothie blender that you can just unscrew the top from and use it as a flask. The only one I know of is the nutribullet one but I wondered if there are better ones x


Feb 24 at 05:47 PM

Can anyone recommend a good (single portion) smoothie maker that has a beaker/flask thing I can just unscrew and take to work to drink later? Thank you! xx


Jan 24 at 01:00 PM

I missed it so am thrilled I can join tomorrow instead!

Jan 16 at 04:35 PM

My lattes are saved then!

So....  I am always a bit puffy afterwards, and you do need two or three sessions (one every three to four weeks) for the best results but it does last and last. I think a course every six months or so is recommended - or at least top ups every few months after the first few sessions. What I noticed is that three weeks in, I just looked like I'd 'woken up' - much brighter and alert. Then when I switched to having them all over my face, everything looks fresher and smoother and more hydrated - and skin is much bouncier. Sadly it is not cheap, but it's a good alternative to botox & filler for people who prefer to feel their skin is rejuvenating from within rather than being propped up by a foreign body x



Jan 16 at 10:30 AM

On plant milks: I was feeling very sad about giving up my Oatly barista after the live but found an almond/coconut cream milk yesterday evening with nothing else but salt and water, by a brand called Nutty Bruce. It's not as creamy, but has made a nice coffee this morning. Rose, I frothed it up with a sachet of Ancient & Brave MCT oil because I had some in the cupboard... is that a helpful oil?

Also LOVE polynucleotides and have had them on my face and neck as well as under my eyes. There's now a new version called Plinest Newest which combines polynucleotides with a Profhilo-like hyaluronic acid (so you get the more instant effect of the HA along with the longer-term improvement of the polynucleotides) and that's v good too. 


Jan 13 at 09:49 AM


Walk Club in North London yesterday - so pretty x


Jan 10 at 09:16 AM

I've been using the Clear Spring Brown Rice Miso and from Rose's video it looks as if the colours don't matter. This one is quite strong so I could probably have used less (or mixed it with white, maybe), but I still found it quite easy to drink. 


Jan 10 at 09:14 AM

Can I just say how much I'm enjoying the Jan Plan? I haven't done anything like this for years, because they always felt so restrictive, and ultimately pointless once they were finished. But I'm making changes I would like to take into my 'real' life at the end of the three weeks and I'm learning a lot. The recipes are all delicious (even when they seem really simple) and I'm not hungry, though I have snuck in a matcha at 4pm ish with green tea collagen and unsweetened almond milk, because I think it helps me to avoid refined sugar and regular snacks. I feel really great, actually, and nourished in every way... though I have just finished today's exercise session so that might be my endorphins talking...


Jan 06 at 07:33 PM

Thank you! Feeling so much better about this now… I have miso sachets and I love eggs. And if some people are starting later I will just extend a bit and not feel so lonely! x



Jan 06 at 12:02 PM

Hi Rose! Loving the plan so far but could you help me with something? I have a (very social) overnight trip coming up for work tomorrow and I won't have any control over what I eat or when, and I won't even be able to have my miso! There will be a group dinner and a breakfast before travelling home around lunchtime on Wednesday. I can easily skip the alcohol but do you have any advice - on a practical level, but also because I'm already feeling like I'm going to mess up the first week? One option is that I could add another two days to the first phase before moving onto the second? x Alex