

Mar 11 at 07:46 AM

Hi Rose, Hope u r well  - question: probably because of peri cycle but very disruptive last few weeks, i wake up every night between 3 and 4 am, i ve the estrogel for hot flashes which helps a bit but dammm i am sooooo exhausted from sleeping only a few hours a night - i do take magnesium glycinate as well - anything u recommend i can take? TXS 


Mar 05 at 02:38 PM

Hi Rose, if you are considering changes to the site, i truly love the ease of the calendar format and would love to be able to look back of what i missed and just click and connect. I tend to log in twice a week and checkout what i missed but find it hard to keep track on the multiple pages. Just a suggestion of course … TXS



Jan 08 at 11:27 AM

Rose, gosh, yet another GREAT plan. loving the recipes! the capers in the lentil salad are a true game changer. if you ever consider working on a cookbook, i am happy to test the recipes, i had a foodblog for 10 years the site is still up but very not done much for a few years. anyway great job ! 



Oct 29 at 07:32 AM

excited for the rule of 4!! 


Oct 29 at 07:31 AM

Hey Rose and fellow RHC,

have had great results following your 80/20 guidelines and using your resets and recipes. I had a hysterectomy and a bladder complication beginning of year and had gained last 2 years a lot of weight due to hormone imbalances and emo eating etc. Now i finally starting to be me again! i am down 13 kg, doing sports again 3 times a week, feeling good in my body and mind yet never feel i cant eat/drink something - Rose, u ve been a lifesaver!!!!! Thank u! 



Sep 21 at 12:57 PM

happy sunny saturday in Brussels, relaxing in the garden and going tru RHC, and just realised i can add the talks/checkins/vidsreleases to my outlook calendar, yeay wont miss it again!  sharing as maybe others didnt know 🤪 Have a great day! 


Sep 20 at 11:29 AM

sunny lunch today, i think missed it was juice day today, i thought next week was 2 days - keeping it light! did add watermelon as it was going to expire (hope that was ok) 



Sep 10 at 09:00 AM

Rose, i am not able to join the call Wednesday, can i submit questions to you and Dr Mark in advance and than re-watch the recording later? thank you! Have a great day!  



Sep 07 at 04:14 PM

Hi Rose, Hi RHC, what are some of the veg/fruit/nuts/seeds i should focus on after a boozy night out and my body needs a bit of help to recover? Txs ! (asking for a friend - haha - NOT) 



Sep 02 at 07:10 PM

Hello Rose, Hello R community, Sandra from Brussels here - i am thrilled to sign up as a member having experienced the timeless plan, 14 day anti-inflammatory plan and 5 day back on track with GREAT results.  I look forward in learning more how food influences our body and how to navigate what to eat or avoid in stressful moments at work or while travelling.