
Penzance, United Kingdom

Mar 03 at 09:31 AM

Oooo I was just about to ask this question! Have just bought some, and wanted to know when to take. I have an annoying wake up between 2-4am (im 52 so thought hormonal but just as likely cortisol as I’m on all the HRT) so wanted to know how it would help this… and if I could take before bed? My ouraring reading for HRV is very low, hovers around 20 😫 I think this shows stress?

Thanks 💓

Jan 05 at 02:08 PM

Thank you!!! I’ve found it. It’s with the questionnaire PDF. Now printed and ready to go! 🙌🏼



Jan 05 at 01:52 PM

Hi Rose (& everyone!) 🩷

I’m excited to start the Jan Plan!  Thanks for the fab live… while watching I saw the schedule come up… with the exercise classes. I can’t find this anywhere, it’s not with the food lists and other printable pdf’s. Is there such a thing as I wanted to print it off!? 




Oh Nina! & Rose! Sorry. It’s not gone to plan! I mentioned on day one of juice fast that my son was unwell…well he had flu and now I’ve got it! 😷🤒🤕🤧  I’m really chesty so unfortunately have had to cancel the Dartmoor walk! Absolutely gutted. It’s just too risky and my energy is low😭  On the plus side, my continued plant based low starch week is going well, as I’m off my food!  😬 I so wish I could have posted that pic to you! 

Rose Ferguson

Good luck!! It’s not easy but well worth the effort. It’s over quickly too…. Take one day at a time. Make peace with your hunger 🥴😂 xx 

Could you just remind me of the NAC you recommended- or was it NMN? I think you mentioned a brand but didn’t quite hear. Thanks x

Sep 29 at 07:16 PM

Good luck! You will appreciate the benefits x



Sep 29 at 04:34 PM

Nearly the end of day 3🥒🥕🍋🍊🍎 feeling so good!  Energy is back, head is clear. It’s all been so so worth it. Even thought my eyes look clearer!  Just watched the live about mitochondria… thank you Rose, it was fascinating! I’ve really been enjoying all of your videos whilst doing this ReSet. They have been so helpful and I really appreciate everything you have spoken about and all your valuable information, so thank you 🙏🏼 😃 looking forward to this week. I’ve got a 14 mile (13 Tor) walk on Dartmoor this Saturday in aid of Marie Curie. So I should be flying!! 


Sep 29 at 07:00 AM

Good question! I’ve been wondering this. 
