
Penzance, United Kingdom


Jan 05 at 01:52 PM

Hi Rose (& everyone!) 🩷

I’m excited to start the Jan Plan!  Thanks for the fab live… while watching I saw the schedule come up… with the exercise classes. I can’t find this anywhere, it’s not with the food lists and other printable pdf’s. Is there such a thing as I wanted to print it off!? 





Sep 29 at 04:34 PM

Nearly the end of day 3🥒🥕🍋🍊🍎 feeling so good!  Energy is back, head is clear. It’s all been so so worth it. Even thought my eyes look clearer!  Just watched the live about mitochondria… thank you Rose, it was fascinating! I’ve really been enjoying all of your videos whilst doing this ReSet. They have been so helpful and I really appreciate everything you have spoken about and all your valuable information, so thank you 🙏🏼 😃 looking forward to this week. I’ve got a 14 mile (13 Tor) walk on Dartmoor this Saturday in aid of Marie Curie. So I should be flying!! 



Sep 28 at 06:57 PM

Getting to the end of day 2! Feel brilliant 🤩 energy is back!  I do still have hunger pangs but I’m living with them quite well now. Been for 2 small dog walks & about to have an Epsom salt bath! Feel like I’m winning 🥇 (oh and my son is so much better today 🤒🤧 just hope I don’t catch it) 



Sep 28 at 08:29 AM

Hello day 2! 🥕🥬🥒🫚 yesterday was hard. I was hungry, tired and headachey. My 13 yo ended up getting poorly and by 8pm had a raging temperature of 39.1… so this was added stress just when I wanted to be in bed watching a film! Hes better this morning, poor chap! And we are both gona take it easy today. Hopefully day 2 will be easier! Good luck everyone else 💪🏼💓



Sep 17 at 10:23 PM

Did a lovely 5 mile walk with the hubby and dog! Need to try to run next time 💪🏼