
Richmond, United Kingdom


Sep 13 at 02:34 PM

Hi Rose! Another question from me are you able to help us with a table of how and when to take the supplements during the Reset please? I’ve ordered almost all of them and they are quite a few. Thank you! 💕


Sep 13 at 09:02 AM

Hi Rose, I have another question. Are you able to provide us please with a schedule of the supplements as when to take them? I’ve ordered most of them but quite bit of them and unsure when to take them. Thank you!! 🥰


Sep 04 at 11:41 AM

Hi Rose! Great to be here 🥳

I did la 2 days liquid plan last week and I really loved it!

However I’m being honest it will be very hard on the 72 Green Juice fast for the Reset. I haven’t managed any juice days his year despite of me ordering few of them  (including fruits!) 🙉 Can we please get some alternatives to the 100% Green ones? 

Thank you as always 🙏💗