Rose Ferguson


Jan 10 at 05:51 PM

Hi Everyone, so good to see you. Happy Friday - here is the link to today's talk about healthy hibernation. I have also added a screenshot of the page, you will see in the bottom left there is a button there for the PowerPoint, which froze! I have attached it so you can actually see the slides. 

Have an amazing weekend. Please keep chatting on here and do send pictures of your weekends if you can. Rose xx


Jan 06 at 07:45 PM

As mentioned on yesterday's LIVE - here is the recipe for an easy Kimchi x


  • 1 Napa cabbage, cut into 2-inch strips

  • 1/4 himalayan salt

  • 2 tablespoons garlic, minced

  • 2 tablespoons ginger, minced

  • 1 teaspoon coconut sugar

  • 3 tablespoons water

  • 4 tablespoons red pepper flakes

  • 1 large daikon radish, peeled and cut into 1-inch matchsticks

  • 2 bunches green onions, cut into 1-inch pieces

Step 1 Place cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. Mix thoroughly using gloves, if preferred. Place a heavy pot or pan on top with weights and allow cabbage to sit for 1-2 hours until wilted and water has been released.

Step 2 Discard water after 1-2 hours. Rinse the cabbage 2-3 times in the sink until salt is removed and allow to drain in a colander for another 15-20 minutes.

Step 3 Combine cabbage with remaining ingredients (through water) and mix. Using gloves, add the Korean red pepper flakes and begin mixing and rubbing flakes into the mixture. Add the daikon radish and green onions to mixture, stirring to combine. 

Step 4 Once combined, place mixture in a jar pressing down and packing tightly so that the mixture is submerged in its own liquid. Place top on jar and allow to sit at room temperature for 2-5 days. Place jar on a plate since the mixture may bubble over while fermenting.

Step 5 Each day of fermentation, remove the lid to release gases and press down on the mixture to keep it submerged. You can taste a sample each day to decide if the level of fermentation is to your liking.

Step 6 After 2-5 days of fermentation, store kimchi in the fridge.

happy fermenting xx



Jan 04 at 06:53 PM

How are the daily non negotiables going??  I do love this to start Jan. the de clutter one makes me laugh. My house is FULL OF STUFF and I am enjoying getting rid of lots. Today I did my workout clothes. Feeling lighter by the day! X



Dec 31 at 08:00 AM

Good morning! Happy New Years Eve to you all. A reminder that the January Manifesto starts tomorrow. 10 days to ease you into 2025!!!! X



Dec 28 at 07:35 AM

R Exercise : Seperate this area of RHC into sections, whole body, upper body, lower body, Barre etc
72 %
R Exercise : Keep it as it is, updating as a whole in chronological order.
13 %
R Recipes : Seperate this area of RHC into sections, breakfast, smoothies and juices, soups, lunch and dinner, plant based etc
97 %
R Recipes : Keep it as it is, updating as a whole in chronological order.
3 %
32 votes


Dec 23 at 02:57 PM

How are we doing, team? I hope you are all well - I will be live at 5 for anyone who wants a chat - see you then - and if not, I hope you have a wonderful break xx



Dec 16 at 05:00 PM

HI everyone - R DOctor on Call session is starting - via zoom - we are going to talk about respiration, if you have any other questions we would love to answer them x


Dec 08 at 12:22 PM

Hi All - How are you doing? Day 2 is very stormy here - trees are down all over the place here, but I did get out for a very blustery run - xxx



Dec 05 at 07:53 PM

A few of you have mentioned lingering respiratory issues now - shall we focus on that with Dr Mark on December 16th? 




Nov 30 at 08:56 AM

Ready to run!