Rose Ferguson

Aug 30 at 05:19 PM

Hi Elizabeth, the blog posts don't have pdf's, Just the monthly plans and challenges at this stage. XX

Aug 30 at 05:17 PM

I am so glad to hear that Angela. I have just been talking about The Wellness Wave, I loved the movement, and it kept me on track too, while we were away the kids and my mum got involved which was such a great and unexpected bonus. The Re-Set is going to be mega, I am really looking forward to it - there is also The 'Back To School' Challenge which starts on Sunday - you can do both together if you are in the mood!!!!


Aug 28 at 11:38 AM

Hi Angie. Did you find it. Sorry I forgot to reply. It is up - and you’re right it had been missed off. X


Aug 28 at 10:26 AM

Great and let us know how you get on x

Aug 24 at 11:56 AM

I agree. He is great! Biological age is hard to test accurately. That is why several different ‘clocks’ are often used. 9years younger on your ring is a good sign however! X


Aug 23 at 10:56 AM

Hi Helen - Dr Mark addressed this in R Dr On Call session today. I hope that you find it helpful x

Aug 23 at 10:42 AM

Hi Adine, we were there - did you follow the zoom link? I will add it to R Content shortly x

Aug 19 at 06:57 AM

Good Morning! I am so glad. They are absolutely great I agree. And glad the sound was ok for you. Have a great Monday x

Aug 18 at 09:49 AM

Yes absolutely - they are all up in R Content in the Club Clinic category x

Aug 18 at 09:48 AM

yes on the r content page under club clinics x