Rebekah Darling Hi there - here is a guide supplement wise.
B Complex: With breakfast to support energy levels throughout the day and because B vitamins can be stimulating, which is helpful in the morning.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): With breakfast, as it can provide energy and is best taken with a meal that includes fats for better absorption.
Digestive Enzymes: With each meal, starting with breakfast, to aid in digestion throughout the day.
Milk Thistle: With breakfast, to support liver health from the start of the day.
Replied on Hi Rose! Another question from me are...
Sep 22 at 12:05 PM
Digestive Enzymes: With lunch to continue aiding digestion.
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): With lunch, as it can be taken anytime and is great for supporting the liver
Alpha Lipoic Acid: With dinner, it helps with blood sugar regulation
Dandelion Root: With dinner to aid in digestion and support liver function.
Slippery Elm: With or after dinner, as it helps soothe the digestive tract.
Magnesium Citrate: Before bed, as it helps with muscle relaxation and improves sleep quality.
Glutamine: Before bed, it can help with muscle recovery and gut health.