Rose Ferguson

Oct 04 at 07:28 AM

Yes, absolutely - that is a great idea - I have loved her sessions too x


Oct 04 at 07:26 AM

hi Julia, we will talk about this onn the live on Sunday -  the answer is once a week if that works for you - it is a great thing to do if it workd for you and doesn't make you stressed out! 


Gemma poor you - I hope you are ok - I hope he is too. Dartmoor will have to wait, there is a lot of flu going around! X

Sep 30 at 08:31 PM

Oh that is so much prettier than mine was. Thank you for sharing Stephanie. I really enjoyed the live today. Was fun to hang out x


The NMN I use is Quicksilver scientific - NAD GOLD - and then I have also been trying Artah, which I do think is good too x


YESSS AMANDA - you are and we are all here for you too - xxxx


Sep 29 at 06:59 PM

you have got this Amalia, lovely to see you on the live this morning! X

Sep 29 at 06:58 PM

100% xxx

You will be - wow what a brilliant thing to do Gemma! 

what a lovely message too - I really appreciate you taking the time to message how you are getting on! xxx