Rose Ferguson

Mar 10 at 10:53 AM

Leanne Blanden Hope to see you later Leanne - if  not you can catch up with the recording x

Mar 10 at 07:37 AM

Mita Davda That is GREAT news!


Mar 09 at 06:16 PM

You are going to love Wednesday video article about muscles! And protein. There is also whole section on it! X

Mar 09 at 06:13 PM

Love her and that sounds delicious x

Mar 09 at 03:33 PM

Leanne Blanden Hi Leanne, it is live every (well, most) weeks - you will see it in the calendar, and you just log on, and I will be there - all being well. You can join live or ask questions ahead of the clinic, and I will answer as many as I can, I try to give the clinic a topic so that if it is quiet on the Q front, there is some information that I hope is useful. The recording can be found under R Club Clinic on R Content page. xx

Mar 08 at 07:47 PM


Mar 08 at 07:47 PM

Victoria Twiston-Davies sounds like a good stack. Magnesium in the morning can help calm the nervous system. I might add some L Theanine in to that too. If it’s a night time wired then I would try phosphatidylserine. Overall though lifestyle is KEY for stress response! Xx

Mar 08 at 07:41 PM

Here is the link for the prodovite. You will be able to find it where you are. But this is the one you want. X

Mar 08 at 07:40 PM

Hi Michelle. There are a few. This is a good one from quicksilver.

And then there is an AMAZING one called Prodovite that I love but it ain’t cheap! 

Or you could try powders. IM8 has lots of great ingredients. Soup wise a borough market bone broth is great. 

Does that help? X

Mar 08 at 07:35 PM

Happy International Women’s Day to you too Mita. And to you all x
