Leanne Blanden

Mar 10 at 07:44 AM

Rose Ferguson Hi Rose, thank you. This sounds fantastic - I wasn't sure what questions could be asked. The more i'm having the symptoms I currently am, the more I'm linking them together...i.e. could BV and watery (but dry eye) symptoms be linked to hormonal imbalance and gut health. Also, (and probably for a future week) what supplements would be good for night terrors and my8 year old? and great supplements in general for children's little minds and gut health. I will try to join this evening. Have a lovely day, it looks incredible where you are! xx

Mar 09 at 01:48 PM

Mita Davda it is, isn't it. I had a tummy bug just before Christmas and I seem to be out of whack since then, hormones and gut wise. I've even noticed other symptoms to those I've mentioned such as watery dry eyes and BV symptoms, which I've never suffered with! It will be great to hear what Rose says. Thank you for your message. x  


Mar 09 at 01:09 PM

Mita Davda

Mar 08 at 08:24 PM

Hi Rose,  oh that would be wonderful - thank you so much. Is the club clinic weekly and live? Or recorded if members can’t join? I’ve noticed my hair has thinned out quite a lot too. I suspect a mix of stress and hormones. I am nearly 47 and would say peri. Still having regular cycles. Thank you 🙏 xxx
