Rachel Sinquefield-Kangas

Mar 03 at 04:54 PM

Recovery was quick and fairly painless compared to the procedure! 

Feb 24 at 04:55 PM

I survived!❤️Felt quite spicy- like sticking your face in a cheese grater! The person administering the treatment gave me some stress balls to squeeze and that help a lot! 😅

Feb 23 at 06:01 PM

😬 Thanks for the warning! 


Feb 23 at 02:34 PM

Hello Everyone! Going to have Morpheus8 face kneeling done for the first time tomorrow. Has anyone had this done? Any helpful tips for preparation or recovery? Anything I should be aware of? 



Feb 08 at 09:23 AM

Just did Sophie Oti's pilates workout from the Reset plan. Love'n her and this workout!  Rose Ferguson - a quick question- I've heard soy milk is good for oestrogen and works to prevent breast cancer (see nutritionfacts.org). I use it in my morning smoothie. I noticed that you do not include in your foodlists for your plans, so and I'm wondering why this is the case? 


Jan 15 at 10:55 AM

Wait- I just notice the recipes-This is great! 


Jan 15 at 10:53 AM

I just want to say I'm loving the Calendar. ❤️ It's fantastic! It tells me what to do for my workouts and when. What I lives I can join or listen to if I've got time (or then come back the recorded version later). It's become my go to point for navigating the website. Maybe occasionally you could throw in a recipe suggestion or then a meditation/breathing moment! Mainly as visual reminders not to forget about doing these things. But, and also, we don't want the calendar to become too congested with stuff. Point being- it's a great tool and it might be worth thinking about how to utilise it to get the most out of it! 😀



Jan 05 at 01:18 PM

Hi Rose! I'm really excited to be a member of the R Health Club this year. It's going to be my new home/gym extension. I love The Light House and Holly's workouts and I'm looking forward to doing some yoga. However, I'm wondering if you might consider possibly adding some dance-aerobic exercises to the online video content? Something about dancing that really helps to elevate my heart rate and positive energy levels. One example that I have been jamming out to is @MadFit on Youtube. I particularly like her 'retro' dance workouts. Also, some more Pilates videos would be great. I remember doing this with Byrony during the Reframe plan.  I loved these workouts! No pressure here, I realise that creating this content takes time. Just offering some suggestions.  So far I'm loving R Health Club and working towards integrating it into my daily/weekly habits. Thanks! ❤️