Bertha Angulo


Sep 23 at 05:44 AM

Hi! I’ve been following The Plan on the T and have been feeling great so far! I’m based in Mexico City and have been missing the Live Sessions due to the time difference. Is there a link where I can watch them? Thank you!



Sep 23 at 05:25 AM

Hi! I'm starting Phase 2 tomorrow with the longer juice fast (wish me luck! 😝), and I need some guidance for taking my supplements.

I’ve put together the following plan based on the indications in pp. 20-22 of The Plan. How does it look? I will appreciate your feedback. 

First thing in the morning (“preferably on an empty stomach”):

- L-Glutamine

- Alpha-Lipoic Acid

- Coconut oil pulling

7am / Juice 1

- Slippery Elm (“1-2 times, typically before meals”)

- Digestive Enzymes (“with each meal”)

- Silymarin (“1-3 times daily”)

- Probiotics (“daily”)

10am / Juice 2

- Dandelion Root (“1-2 times daily”)

- Glutathione (“daily”)

- B-Complex Vitamins (“daily”)

1pm / Juice 3

- Slippery Elm (“1-2 times, typically before meals”)

- Digestive Enzymes (“with each meal”)

- Silymarin (“1-3 times daily”)

- N-Acetyl Cysteine (“1-2 doses”)

- Coenzyme Q10 (“taken with a meal containing fat for better absorption”, so better to skip during fasting?)

4pm / Juice 4

- Dandelion Root (“1-2 times daily”)


- Digestive Enzymes (“with each meal”)

- Silymarin (“1-3 times daily”)

- N-Acetyl Cysteine (“1-2 doses”)


- Magnesium (daily)


Sep 18 at 11:14 PM

Yay! I had the same challenge! I’m also attending a family event from Thursday through Sunday next week, so I was going to ask if I can do my fasting days on Monday (Day 1), Tuesday (Day 2), and Wednesday (Day 3). That way, I don’t have to travel with my juicer —because I was seriously considering bringing it with me! 🤣