helen armfield

Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Dec 27 at 11:29 AM

Rose Ferguson I think i've found a chickpea miso from Clearspring, and a fava bean paste from Hodmedods. Now just to wait for the post :-)


Dec 23 at 04:37 PM

that sounds great - i'll have a hunt for the chickpea one! I keep forgetting about nutritional yeast, so i'll def. also have a play with the veg broth and added that too!


Oct 19 at 12:42 PM

thank you. i found the replay :-) It was really useful. Realised that every time the live has worked for me, i've clicked through from the email saying its starting. and for this live i didn't get one of those emails.  (and me not being remotely a morning person didn't aid me in noticing that was what was different at the time). for the benefit of your tech support ;-) - Poking around this morning (midday, 19th live) i found the same issue - can join from the link in the email, but not from the website/calendar. I tried in both firefox and safari with the same issue, but i don't have other browsers to test so i'll find those and try another time :-)