

Oct 02 at 04:33 AM

Really enjoyed the workouts - Nicolle is a great teacher and I loved her tone and pace. Thank you! 


Sep 30 at 10:03 PM

Just feeling very grateful to be on the re-set! I started back on "solid food" after three days of juices today and I feel so much better. More energy, lighter in body and mood and feeling like I achieved something! The best thing for me is that now I only want to eat healthy food....for now at least:) 


Sep 30 at 07:20 PM

I ended up having a green smoothie bowl from the recipes in Phase 1. Anyone else have plant based breakfasts to share that might be good for re-entry after the juice days? 



Sep 29 at 04:41 AM

I have a question - what might be some good breakfast options for the day after the 72 hour juice fast finishes? I think we are supposed to go for plant-based but not starchy or protein?  Breakfast will be my first meal after finishing the juice fast. I am sooo looking forward to it! 😃


Sep 27 at 10:50 PM

Did you guys use a juicer? I’m so jealous that you’re already through it! I thought we were supposed to start today 

Sep 27 at 10:48 PM

Wow that’s a lot of supplements. I need to up my supplement game! 

Sep 22 at 06:17 PM

It did thanks! I really like the way you paced the program because I felt “ready” by Friday. Loving the plan! 


Sep 20 at 03:59 AM

Going to sleep knowing that tomorrow is …juice day, as part of the reset plan! Yikes. God speed to anyone else doing it 😀