Rose Ferguson


Sep 20 at 10:06 AM

for those on the juice fast - how are you getting on? X



Sep 14 at 10:12 AM

It is nearly here!!!!! I am excited to see you all tomorrow at 10 am - It is a glorious morning here and I am in the mood for a Re-Set xx


Sep 06 at 05:22 PM

Happy Weekend All - I hope you are all doing well - thank you for all the lovely pics/messages and posts on IG of your 'Back to School' progress I love them. 

I will be sending a newsletter with the weekly schedule on Sunday as discussed during Tuesday's Club Clinic xx


Sep 03 at 11:44 AM

Hello everyone - just testing for the live



Sep 02 at 09:22 PM

Tomorrow at 11.30 there is a Club Clinic and I will be going through how to navigate The Club Site so you can get the most out of R Health Club x see you then xx



Sep 01 at 01:03 PM


The 'Back To School' Challenge starts today - you will find all the info in R Monthly Challenge area, it is a go-to for how to ease back in after the summer break, The Re-Set will be released tonight.

The Club Clinic on Tuesday is going to be looking at how to navigate the site and answer any questions you may have. See you then - if you can't make it live, then please ask anything here  xx



Aug 28 at 11:42 AM

Hi everyone. How are you doing? 

I’m doing a juice day today as part of the wellness wave. I’m away with the family at the moment and I have been very happy with R August Plan. I have enjoyed the motivation of it to move everyday and the juice days. 

Obviously we have been dancing at night with an Aperol in hand. Balance is everything. I hope you have found that it has fitted in with your fun too. Let me know how you’re getting on. 

R x 



Aug 23 at 06:59 AM

Good Morning All. A reminder that we have the 1st Dr On Call today with Dr Mark Mikhail at 10 am BST. This is on zoom as we are not together - so follow the link.  It will be recorded and posted on RHC afterwards. If you can't make it live and have any questions, please add them here. This session is an introduction to R Doctor, I hope I will see you there and I very much hope my wifi will hold up as I am in very rural Portugal 😉


Aug 21 at 11:22 AM

There is a new written blog out today about blood sugar balancing, have a read I would say that getting this right is a major key to feeling balanced and bright. We will be working on this a lot in RHC. x


Aug 21 at 11:20 AM

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Hi Everyone - how are you guys doing - I just wanted to check-in. For those doing the August Wellness Wave, I am away and got my movement in yesterday on a hike along the coast of Portugal - it was brilliant. Hiking/walking is a fantastic way to get outside and such a good form of exercise. You don't need to run!!!!